We’re Here For You

Get in touch with the Virginia Employment Commission for further help and answers to your questions.


Virginia Employment Commission 

P.O. Box 26441 

Richmond, VA 23261-6441 


Call our Customer Contact Center at (866) 832-2363 

8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday - Friday (closed Saturday, Sunday and state holidays)  


At any Virginia Works Office 



Fill out our Customer Contact Form 


Please contact our Communications Office at pio@vec.virginia.gov  


If you would like to know more about Virginia's Veteran Program or our partnerships, please email veteran.services@virginiaworks.gov.   

For Employers


For general questions about Virginia unemployment tax, payments, or your employer account.  
Email employer.accounts@vec.virginia.gov or use our Voice Response System (VRS) by calling (866) 354-5579. Have your employer account number handy. If you need further assistance or prefer to speak to an agent, follow the instructions to contact a representative. 

If you are having difficulty signing into iFile/iReg  

  • Make sure you are registered with the VEC. A properly registered account with the VEC has a 10-digit account number (00######## or 000#######) 
  • If you have a temporary access number (F#########), use it along with your VEC Username and VEC Password to log in to iFile. 
  • Make sure you are using your VEC Account Number, VEC Username and VEC Password 
  • Your enrollment in Business iFile/iReg may have expired. Re-enroll here for the VEC ONLY 
  • Email the VEC at ifileVEC@vec.virginia.gov or call (804) 786-1082 

If you need to obtain Statistical Labor Market Information  
Contact the Economic Information & Analytics Division at Virginia Works at:  
LMI@virginiaworks.gov or (804) 786-7496 

Use our Customer Self Service portal to log into your account and get the latest claim status updates, or call (800) 897-5630 and follow the prompts for claim information

To confirm or update your payment method, call (800) 897-5630 and follow the prompts for payment information

For information on reasonable accommodations, please contact Brenda Henderson at Brenda.Henderson@vec.virginia.gov or by phone at (804) 718-5209. 

Virginia Relay enables people who are deaf, hard of hearing, Deaf/Blind, or speech disabled to communicate by TTY (text telephone). Individuals who need this service can access the Virginia Relay Center by dialing 711 or (800) 828-1140. 

For information on language translation services, please contact Lorna Battles, Language Access Coordinator at Ma.Lorna.Battles@virginiaworks.gov, or by phone at (804) 584-9841 (VA Relay 711). 

Do you prefer to speak another language? 

Contact the Webmaster to report a technical issue with the VEC website. This form is not for business purposes.