Table of Contents

Precedent Decision Manual - Able and Available

REVISED (1-97)

Individual Sections:

Able and Available - Labor Disputes - Miscellaneous - Misconduct - Procedure - Suitable Work - Total and Partial Unemployment - Voluntary Leaving


5. General:
    40. Attendance at school or training course
    70. Citizenship or residence requirements
    90. Conscientious objection
    105. Contract obligation
150. Distance to work:
    150.05 General
    150.1 In transit
    150.15 Removal from locality
    150.2 Transportation and travel
155. Domestic circumstances:
    155.05 General
    155.1 Children, care of
    155.15 Financial circumstances
    155.2 Home or spouse in another locality
    155.25 Household duties
    155.35 Illness or death of others
    155.45 Parent, care of
160. Effort to secure employment or willingness to work:
    160.05 General
    160.1 Application for work
    160.15 Attitude or behavior
    160.2 Employment
    160.25 Refusal of work
    160.3 Registration and reporting
    160.35 Voluntary leaving or suspension of work
165. Employer requirements
    165.05 General
    165.1 Bond
    165.15 Marital status
    165.2 Physical status
180. Equipment
190. Evidence:
    190.05 General
    190.1 Burden of proof and presumptions
    190.15 Weight and sufficiency
195. Experience or training
215. Government requirements
    215.05 General
    215.1 License or permit
    215.15 Manpower regulation
235. Health or physical condition
    235.05 General
    235.1 Age
    235.15 Contagious disease
    235.2 Hearing, speech, or vision
    235.25 Illness or injury
    235.3 Loss of limb (or use of)
    235.4 Pregnancy
250. Incarceration or other legal detention
285. Leave of absence or vacation
295. Length of unemployment
305. Military service
315. New work
320. Notification of address
350. Period of ineligibility
360. Personal affairs
365. Prospect of work
370. Public Service:
    370.05 General
    370.1 Jury Duty
    370.15 Public office
375. Receipt of other payments:
    375.05 General
    375.1 Disability compensation
    375.25 Old-age and survivors insurance
    375.3 Pension
395. Relief work or public assistance
415. Self-employment or other work:
    415.05 General
    415.1 Agriculture
    415.15 Commercial enterprise
    415.2 Family enterprise
    415.25 Professional work
    415.3 Salesman
450. Time:
    450.05 General
    450.1 Days of week
    450.15 Hours:
        450.151 General
        450.152 Irregular
        450.153 Long or short
    450.154 Night
    450.155 Prevailing standard, comparison with
    450.156 Statutory or regulatory standard, comparison
    450.2 Irregular employment
    450.4 Part time or full time
    450.45 Seasonal
    450.5 Shift
    450.55 Temporary
475. Union relations:
    475.05 General
    475.5 Membership
    475.65 Remuneration
    475.85 Restriction as to type of work
    475.97 Working permit
500. Wages
510. Work, nature of:
    510.05 General
    510.1 Customary
    510.15 Essential
    510.25 Home work
    510.3 Inside or outside
    510.35 Light or heavy
    510.4 Preferred employer or employment
515. Working conditions:
    515.05 General
    515.4 Fellow employee
    515.5 Morals
    515.55 Prevailing for similar work in locality
    515.65 Safety
    515.75 Seniority
    515.85 Temperature or ventilation
    515.95 Weather or climate

5. General
35. At the factory, establishment, or other premises:
35.05 General
35.1 Integration or proximity of operations
35.15 Separate branch or department
125. Determination of existence:
    125.05 General
    125.1 Closing of plant or lock-out
    125.15 Continuance of employer-employee relationship
    125.2 Dispute over conditions of employment:
        125.201 General
        125.202 Check-off system
        125.203 Discharge and reinstatement
        125.204 Management of plant
        125.205 Safety condition
        125.206 Transfer
        125.207 Wages and hours
    125.25 Judicial or administrative proceedings
    125.3 Jurisdictional dispute
    125.35 Lack of contract
    125.4 Merits of the dispute
    125.45 Negotiation with employer
    125.5 Sympathetic strike
    125.55 Union recognition
    125.6 Violation of contract or agreement
130. Directly interested in
175. Employment subsequent to dispute or stoppage of work
190. Evidence:
    190.05 General
    190.1 Burden of proof and presumptions
    190.15 Weight and sufficiency
205. Financing and participating:
    205.05 General
    205.1 Affiliation with organization
    205.15 Payment of union dues
    205.2 Picketing or refusal to pass picket line
    205.25 Receipt of strike benefit
220. Grade or class of worker:
    220.05 General
    220.1 Membership in bargaining unit
    220.15 Membership or nonmembership in union
    220.2 Method of payment
    220.25 Performance of work
245. In active progress
350. Period of disqualification
    350.05 General
    350.4 Relation to work lost
    350.55 Termination of
420. Stoppage of work:
    420.1 Determination of existence of
    420.15 Existing because of labor dispute
    420.2 Termination of
445. Termination of labor dispute:
    445.05 General
    445.1 Agreement or arbitration
    445.15 Closing of plant or department
    445.2 Discharge or replacement of workers
    445.25 National Labor Relations Board proceeding or order
465. Unemployment due to labor dispute or stoppage of work:
    465.05 General
    465.1 Discharge or resignation
    465.15 Lack of work
    465.2 Prevented from working
    465.25 Temporary, extra, or seasonal work
    465.3 Voluntary suspension and leaving work
470. Unemployment prior to labor dispute or stoppage of work:
    470.05 General
    470.1 Absence
    470.15 Discharge or resignation
    470.2 Lack of work
    470.25 Temporary, extra, or seasonal work

5. General
60. Benefit computation factors:
    60.05 General
    60.1 Base period
    60.15 Benefit year
    60.2 Disqualification period
    60.25 Duration of benefits
    60.3 Duration of unemployment
    60.35 Waiting period
70. Citizenship or residence requirements
75. Claim and registration
95. Construction of statutes:
    95.05 General
    95.1 Common meaning
    95.15 Construction with reference to other statutes
    95.2 Legislative intent
    95.25 Retroactive operation
    95.3 Statute as a whole as an aid to construction
    95.35 Strict or liberal construction
115. Deceased claimants, disposition of unpaid benefits of
120. Dependents. allowances
260. Interstate relations
340. Overpayments:
    340.05 General
    340.1 Fraud or misrepresentation
    340.15 Non-fraudulent
    340.2 Restitution
375. Receipt of other payments:
    375.05 General
    375.1 Disability compensation
    375.15 Lieu of notice, remuneration
    375.2 Loss of wages, compensation for
    375.25 Old-age and survivors insurance
    375.3 Pension
    375.35 Public assistance
    375.4 Railroad retirement benefits
    375.45 Relief project wages
    375.5 Unemployment compensation under another law
    375.55 Workmen's compensation
410. Seasonal employment

5. General
15. Absence:
    15.05 General
    15.1 Notice
    15.15 Permission
    15.2 Reasons
45. Attitude toward employer:
    45.05 General
    45.1 Agitation or criticism
    45.15 Competing with employer or aiding competitor
    45.2 Complaint or discontent
    45.25 Damage to equipment or materials
    45.3 Disloyalty
    45.35 Indifference
    45.4 Injury to employer through relations with patron
85. Connection with work
135. Discharge or leaving:
    135.05 General
    135.15 Constructive discharge
    135.25 Discharge before effective date of resignation
    135.3 Involuntary separation
    135.35 Leaving in anticipation of discharge
    135.45 Suspension for misconduct
140. Dishonesty:
    140.05 General
    140.1 Aiding and abetting
    140.15 Cash shortage or misappropriation
    145.2 Falsehood
    145.25 Falsification of record
    145.3 Property of employer, conversion of
    145.35 Property of other than employer, conversion of
    145.4 Purchase
190. Evidence:
    190.05 General
    190.1 Burden of proof and presumption
    190.15 Weight and sufficiency
255. Insubordination:
    255.05 General
    255.1 Disobedience
    255.15 Dispute with superior
    255.2 Exceeding authority
    255.25 Negation of authority
    255.3 Refusal to:
        255.301 Increase production
        255.302 Transfer
        255.303 Work
        255.304 Work overtime
    255.35 Ridicule of authority
    255.4 Vulgar or profane language
    255.45 Wage dispute
270. Intoxication and use of intoxicants
300. Manner of performing work:
    300.05 General
    300.1 Accident
    300.15 Damage to equipment or materials
    300.2 Judgment
    300.25 Quality of work
    300.3 Quantity of work
310. Neglect of duty:
    310.05 General
    310.1 Duties not discharged
    310.15 Personal comfort and convenience
    310.2 Temporary cessation of work
350. Period of disqualification, factors affecting:
    350.05 General
    350.15 Attitude of claimant
    350.2 Custom in establishment
    350.35 Previous record of claimant
    350.45 Seriousness of consequences of misconduct
385. Relation of offense to discharge
390. Relations with fellow employees:
    390.05 General
    390.1 Abusive or profane language
    390.15 Agitation
    390.2 Altercation or assault
    390.25 Annoyance of fellow employee
    390.3 Debt
    390.35 Dishonesty
    390.4 Uncooperative attitude
435. Tardiness
475. Union relations:
    475.05 General
    475.15 Argument with representative
    475.35 Labor dispute, participation in
    475.5 Membership or activity in union
    475.6 Refusal to join or retain membership in union
    475.9 Rival union
    475.95 Violation of union rule
485. Violation of company rule:
    485.05 General
    485.1 Absence, tardiness, or temporary cessation of work
    485.15 Assaulting fellow employee
    485.2 Clothes
    485.25 Competition, other work, or recommending competitor to patron
    485.3 Dishonesty
    485.35 Employment of married women
    485.4 Gambling or game playing
    485.45 Intoxicants, use of
    485.5 Maintenance of equipment
    485.55 Manner of performing work
    485.6 Money matters, regulation governing
    485.65 Motor vehicle
    485.7 Personal comfort and convenience
    485.75 Removal of property
    485.8 Safety regulation
    485.85 Store purchase
    485.9 Time clock
490. Violation of law:
    490.05 General
    490.1 Conversion of property law
    490.15 Liquor law
    490.2 Motor vehicle law

5. General.
10. Timeliness of appeals:
    10.05 General
    10.1 Filing an appeal
    10.15 Effect of holiday/state office closing
    10.2 Presumption of delivery
    10.25 Good cause
    10.3 Clerical/Administrative errors as good cause.
    10.35 Notice or lack of notice to Commission of address change as good cause
    10.4 Failure of Commission to mail a copy of decision to a party's attorney or representative as good cause
20. Requests to reopen a hearing:
    20.05 General
    20.1 Good cause
    20.15 Clerical/Administrative errors as good cause
    20.2 Circumstances beyond a party's control
    20.25 Prudent conduct to preserve right to participate in future proceedings
    20.3 Reopening request received before Appeals Examiner's decision rendered
    20.35 Requests to reopen Commission hearing
30. Requests that Commission take additional evidence and testimony:
    30.05 General
    30.1 Legal standard for taking additional evidence
    30.15 Materiality
    30.2 Due diligence exercised
    30.25 Different result likely
    30.3 Insufficiency of record
40. Withdrawal of appeals
50. Postponement of a hearing
60. Conduct of hearing:
    60.05 General
    60.1 Elements of a due process hearing
    60.15 Scheduling of hearing -- location
    60.2 Notice of hearing
    60.25 Right to present evidence
    60.3 Confrontation and cross-examination
    60.35 Subpoenas for witnesses and documents
    60.4 Representation
    60.45 Argument
    60.5 Impartial decision-maker
    60.55 Challenge to the interest of the hearing officer
70. Fraud:
    70.05 General
    70.1 Legal standard; intrinsic and extrinsic fraud distinguished
    70.15 Procedure before Commission when fraud asserted
80. Res judicata/Collateral estoppel:
    80.05 General
    80.1 Grievance panel decisions
    80.15 Industrial Commission decisions
    80.2 Pleas of guilty or nolo contendere in criminal cases where the criminal act was the basis for dismissal
    80.25 Findings and decision of a civil court

5. General
40. Attendance at school or training course
70. Citizenship or residence requirements
90. Conscientious objection
150. Distance to work:
    150.05 General
    150.15 Removal from locality
    150.2 Transportation and travel
    155. Domestic circumstances:
    155.05 General
    155.1 Children, care of
    155.2 Home or spouse in another locality
    155.25 Household duties
    155.3 Housing
    155.35 Illness or death of others
    155.45 Parent, care of
170. Employment office or other agency referral:
    170.05 General
    170.1 Direction to apply for work
    170.15 Failure to report to employment office
    170.2 Refusal of referral
180. Equipment
190. Evidence:
    190.05 General
    190.1 Burden of proof and presumptions
    190.15 Weight and sufficiency
195. Experience or training:
    195.05 General
    195.1 Insufficient
    195.15 Risk of loss of skill
    195.2 Use of highest skill
215. Government requirements:
    215.05 General
    215.1 License or permit
    215.15 Manpower regulation
235. Health or physical condition:
    235.05 General
    235.1 Age
    235.2 Hearing, speech, or vision
    235.25 Illness or injury
    235.3 Loss of limb (or use of)
    235.4 Pregnancy
    235.45 Risk of illness or injury
265. Interview and acceptance:
    265.05 General
    265.1 Agreement, failure to reach
    265.15 Availability
    265.2 Discharge or leaving after trial
    265.25 Failure to accept or secure job offered
    265.3 Failure to report for interview or work
    265.35 Inability to perform offered work
    265.4 Necessity for interview
    265.45 Refusal or inability to meet employer's requirements
295. Length of unemployment
315. New work
330. Offer of work:
    330.05 General
    330.1 Genuineness
    330.15 Means of communication
    330.2 Necessity
    330.25 Terms
    330.3 Time
    330.35 Withdrawal
335. Offered work previously refused
350. Period of disqualification:
    350.05 General
    350.1 Aggravating circumstances
    350.3 Mitigating circumstances
360. Personal affairs
365. Prospect of other work
450. Time:
    450.05 General
    450.1 Days of week
    450.15 Hours:
    450.151 General
    450.152 Irregular
    450.153 Long or short
    450.154 Night
    450.155 Prevailing standard, comparison with
    450.156 Statutory or regulatory standard, comparison with
    450.2 Irregular employment
    450.35 Overtime
    450.4 Part time or full time
    450.45 Seasonal
    450.5 Shift
    450.55 Temporary
475. Union relations:
    475.05 General
    475.1 Agreement with employer
    475.25 Hours
    475.4 Matter in dispute not settled
    475.45 Means of offer in violation of union rule
    475.55 Nonunion shop or supervisor
    475.65 Remuneration
    475.7 Requirement to join company union
    475.75 Requirement to join or retain membership in bona fide labor organization
    475.8 Requirement to resign from or refrain from joining bona fide labor organization
    475.85 Restriction as to type of work
    480. Vacant due to a labor dispute
500. Wages:
    500.05 General
    500.15 Apprenticeship
    500.2 Benefit amount, comparison with
    500.25 Expenses incident to job
    500.35 Former rate, comparison with
    500.45 Living wage
    500.5 Low
    500.6 Minimum
    500.65 Piece rate, commission basis, or other method of computation
    500.7 Prevailing rate
510. Work, nature of:
    510.05 General
    510.1 Customary
    510.2 Former employer or employment
    510.3 Inside or outside
    510.35 Light or heavy
    510.4 Preferred employer or employment
515. Working conditions:
    515.05 General
    515.1 Advancement, opportunity for
    515.35 Environment
    515.4 Fellow employee
    515.45 Method or quality of workmanship
    515.5 Morals
    515.55 Prevailing for similar work in locality
    515.6 Production requirement or quantity of duties
    515.65 Safety
    515.7 Sanitation
    515.75 Seniority
    515.8 Supervisor
    515.85 Temperature or ventilation
    515.95 Weather or climate

5. General
20. Amount of compensation:
    20.05 General
    20.1 More or less than benefit amount
30. Apprenticeship or preparatory services
40. Attendance at school or training course
80. Compensation not payable or no work done:
    80.05 General
    80.1 Alternate or staggered work periods
    80.15 Leave of absence or vacation
    80.2 Shut-down
105. Contract obligation
110. Corporate or union officer
190. Evidence:
    190.05 General
    190.1 Burden of proof and presumptions
    190.15 Weight and sufficiency
305. Military service
325. Odd-job or subsidiary work
370. Public service:
    370.05 General
    370.1 Jury duty
    370.15 Public office
395. Relief work or public assistance
415. Self-employment or other work:
    415.05 General
    415.1 Agriculture
    415.15 Commercial enterprise
    415.2 Family enterprise
    415.25 Professional
    415.3 Salesman
455. Time of services:
    455.05 General
    455.1 Full time or part time
    455.15 Intermittent work
460. Type of compensation:
    460.05 General
    460.1 Board and lodging
    460.15 Bonus
    460.2 Commission
    460.25 Credit
    460.3 Damages or other award
    460.35 Dismissal or separation pay
    460.4 Drawing account
    460.45 Expenses
    460.5 Gratuity
    460.55 Pension or retirement pay
460. Type of compensation:
    460.6 Remuneration for past or future services
    460.65 Union payment or benefit
    460.7 Use of property
    460.75 Vacation or holiday pay

5. General
40. Attendance at school or training course
50. Attributable to, or connected with, employment
70. Citizenship or residence requirements
90. Conscientious objection
135. Discharge or leaving:
    135.05 General
    135.1 Absence from work
    135.2 Interpretation of remark or action of employer or employee
    135.25 Leaving prior to effective date of discharge
    135.35 Leaving in anticipation of discharge
    135.4 Resignation intended
138. Disciplinary action
150. Distance to work:
    150.05 General
    150.15 Removal from locality
    150.2 Transportation and travel
155. Domestic circumstances:
    155.05 General
    155.1 Children, care of
    155.2 Home or spouse in another locality
    155.25 Household duties
    155.3 Housing
    155.35 Illness or death of others
    155.4 Marriage
180. Equipment
190. Evidence:
    190.05 General
    190.1 Burden of proof and presumptions
    190.15 Weight and sufficiency
195. Experience or training
210. Good cause
235. Health or physical condition:
    235.05 General
    235.1 Age
    235.2 Hearing, speech, or vision
    235.25 Illness or injury
    235.35 Physical examination requirement
    235.4 Pregnancy
    235.45 Risk of illness or injury
290. Leaving without notice
305. Military service
315. New work
345. Pension
350. Period of disqualification:
    350.05 General
    350.1 Aggravating circumstances
    350.3 Mitigating circumstances
    350.5 Subsequent employment
360. Personal affairs
365. Prospect of other work:
    365.05 General
500.55 Method or time of payment
500.6 Minimum
500.65 Piece rate, commission basis, or other method of computation
500.7 Prevailing rate
500.75 Reduction:
    500.751 General
    500.752 Hours, change in
    500.753 Overtime without compensation
    500.754 Territory, change in
    500.755 Type of work or materials, change in
505. Work, definition of
510. Work, nature of:
    510.05 General
    510.3 Inside or outside
    510.35 Light or heavy
    510.4 Preferred employer or employment
515. Working conditions:
    515.05 General
    515.1 Advancement, opportunity for
    515.15 Agreement, violation of
    515.2 Apportionment of work
    515.25 Company rule
    515.3 Duties or requirements outside scope of employment
    515.35 Environment
    515.4 Fellow employee
    515.45 Method or quality of workmanship
515.5 Morals
515.55 Prevailing for similar work in locality
515.6 Production requirement or quantity of duties
515.65 Safety
515.7 Sanitation
515.75 Seniority
515.8 Supervisor
515.85 Temperature or ventilation
515.9 Transfer to other work
515.95 Weather or climate

5. General.
Includes cases containing (1) a general discussion of the meaning of the term .able and available. or (2) ability or availability points which do not fall within any specific line in the Able and Available division of the Code.

40. Attendance at school or training course.
Includes cases in which consideration is given to effect upon the claimant's availability of his enrollment or attendance at school, college, or training courses.

70. Citizenship or residence requirements.
Cases involving citizenship or residence as a prerequisite for employment.

90. Conscientious objection.
Includes cases in which a claimant restricts the employment acceptable to him because of conscientious objection on ethical or religious grounds.

105. Contract obligation.
Includes cases in which a claimant is bound by contract which prevents him from accepting other employment.

150. Distance to work:
150.05 General.
Includes cases containing (1) a general discussion of distance, (2) points not covered by any other subline under line 150, or (3) points covered by
three or more sublines.

150.1 In transit.
Where a claimant travels to or from the locality of his work or residence and a distant locality or localities, remaining at any one point only a short

150.15 Removal from locality.
Involves permanent removal to another locality, temporary removal from the locality of work, and willingness to move to another locality to work.

150.2 Transportation and travel.
Involves transportation cost, convenience, facilities, and time.

155. Domestic circumstances:
155.05 General.
Includes cases containing (1) a general discussion of domestic circumstances, (2) points not covered by any other subline under line 155, or (3) points covered by three or more sublines.

155.1 Children, care of.
Where claimant places restrictions on acceptance of work because of his need to care for children. Cases involving illness of children are found under the subline .Illness or death of others,. below.

155.15 Financial circumstances.
Where the economic or financial circumstances of claimant's family are considered in determining whether or not the claimant is available for work.

155.2 Home or spouse in another locality.
Where a claimant is unwilling to accept work in the vicinity because of his desire to accompany or to join his spouse in another locality, or because of his reluctance to leave his home or spouse.

155.25 Household duties.
Where a claimant is unwilling or unable to accept employment because such work would interfere with the performance of household duties.

155.35 Illness or death of others.
Involves restrictions on a claimant's availability for work because of illness or death of others.

155.45 Parent, care of.
Involves restrictions on acceptance of work because of the need to care for a parent who is aged or in-capacitated. Cases involving illness of parents are placed under the subline .Illness or death of others,. above.

160. Effort to secure employment or willingness to work:
160.05 General.
Includes cases containing (1) a general discussion of efforts to secure employment or willingness to work as affecting a claimant's availability for, or ability to, work, (2) points not covered by any other subline under line 160, or (3) points covered by three or more sublines.

160.1 Application for work.
Where claimant's application, or failure to apply, for work is considered in determining his availability for work.

160.15 Attitude or behavior.
Applies to cases where claimant's attitude or behavior indicates willingness or unwillingness to work.

160.2 Employment.
Where performance or acceptance of work is discussed as evidence of ability and availability for work; a where claimant obtained work subsequent to filing.

160.25 Refusal of work.
Effect of refusal, or repeated refusals, of work upon the claimant's availability for work.

160.3 Registration and reporting.
Registration and reporting, failure to register and report, or failure to register or report in the proper locality, or in the proper form.

160.35 Voluntary leaving or suspension of work.
Where the fact that the claimant left or suspended work voluntarily, or his reasons for doing so, are considered in determining his availability for work.

165. Employer requirements:
165.05 General.
Includes cases containing (1) a general discussion of employers. requirements, (2) points not covered by any other subline under line 165, or (3) points covered by three or more sublines.

165.1 Bond.
Employer's requirement that a claimant furnish a bond prior to becoming employed.

165.15 Marital status.
Where company rules prohibit the hiring of, or retention in employment of, married women.

165.2 Physical status.
Employer's requirement that a claimant submit to a physical examination as a prerequisite to employment or reemployment, or a rule prohibiting the employment of persons over or under a certain age, height, or weight, or those suffering from certain diseases or disabilities.

180. Equipment.
Includes cases which discuss claimant's inability to furnish necessary tools, special clothing, or other equipment as affecting his availability.

190. Evidence:
190.05 General.
General discussion of evidence, or of specific points of evidence, not covered by either of the other sublines under line 190.

190.1 Burden of proof and presumptions.
Applies to discussions as to which party has burden of proof when ability to work or availability for work is at issue, or as to legal adequacy of particular evidence to overcome presumptions concerning ability to work or availability for work.

190. Evidence - Continued
190.15 Weight and sufficiency.
Discussion of the weight and sufficiency of the evidence as to a claimant's ability to work or his availability for work.

195. Experience or training.
Includes cases in which the extent or the lack of a claimant's education, experience, or training is a factor in determining availability for work.

215. Government requirements:
215.05 General.
Includes cases containing (1) a general discussion of government requirements, as they affect a claimant's availability, (2) points not covered by any
other subline under line 215, or points covered by all the sublines.

215.1 License or permit.
Discussion of the effect of work or health permit or license requirements upon claimant's availability for work.

215.15 Manpower regulation.
This line was used for the duration of the war only. Included cases involving War Manpower Commission policies and regulations concerning the placement of workers. These cases were published under code line 75 of the bound Series.

235. Health or physical condition:
235.05 General.
Includes cases containing (1) a general discussion of physical ability to work, (2) points concerning physical ability which are not covered by any other subline under line 235, or (3) points covered by three or more sublines.

235.1 Age.
Discussion of the availability of minors or persons of advanced age.

235.15 Contagious disease.
Effect of such diseases on coworkers as factor affecting availability.

235.2 Hearing, speech, or vision.
Where defective hearing, speech, or vision has bearing on claimant's availability.

235.25 Illness or injury.
Types of illness or injury not covered by the specific sublines under line 235.

235.3 Loss of limb (or use of).
Where loss of limb, or loss of adequate use thereof has a bearing on availability.
235.4 Pregnancy.
Where a pregnant woman's availability for work is an issue.

250. Incarceration or other legal detention.
Applies to cases involving imprisonment, or detention of a worker.

285. Leave of absence or vacation.
Includes cases which discuss availability of claimants who are on a leave of absence or vacation.

295. Length of unemployment.
Effect of length of claimant's unemployment upon his availability for work.

305. Military service.
Includes cases considering the effect of military status. imminent discharge, furlough from military service, inactive or reserve military status, and military leave of absence upon a claimant's availability.

315. New work.
Only used in cases which discuss whether a given employment constitutes new work within the meaning of the term as used in section 1603 (a) (5) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended.

320. Notification of address.
Includes cases in which the fact of notice, or the lack of such notice, by the claimant to the employment agency, or to an employer, is considered material to a determination of the claimant's availability.

350. Period of ineligibility.
Includes those cases where a claimant was ill for one or more days or absent from the area one or more days and where his eligibility for that particular week is in question.

360. Personal affairs.
Includes cases which discuss the availability of a claimant who is engaged in such matters as settling an estate, or attending to financial or casual affairs which cannot strictly be classified as domestic circumstances (line 155), health or physical condition (line 235), or self-employment or other work (line 415).

365. Prospect of work.
Includes cases which discuss a claimant's prospects for work of the type, and under the conditions, acceptable to him.

370. Public Service:
370.05 General.
Applies to cases containing a general discussion of public service and to cases discussing miscellaneous types of public service not included under jury duty or public office, where the claimant's availability for work might be affected.
370.1 Jury Duty.
Availability of a claimant while serving as a juror.

370.15 Public office.
Availability of officeholders or candidates for office.

375. Receipt of other payments:
375.05 General.
Includes cases containing (1) a general discussion of the effect of receipt of other payments on claimant's availability, (2) points not covered by any other subline under line 375, and (3) points covered by three or more sublines.

375.1 Disability compensation.
Where the receipt of such compensation is considered in determining whether or not claimant is able to work.

375.25 Old-age and survivors insurance.
Where the filing for, or receipt of, such benefits is considered in determining claimant's availability. (NOTE: Cases discussing the reduction or cancellation of unemployment insurance benefits because of race old-age or retirement payments are covered in Miscellaneous division of the Code.)

375.3 Pension.
Consideration of the receipt of such payments in determining claimant's availability for work.

395. Relief work or public assistance.
Cases including (1) Work on relief projects, receipt of public aid or relief; (2) Domicile: assistance in the form of a home for the aged, soldiers. home, or other institution, where non-acceptance of work may be a condition precedent to residence in such home.

415. Self-employment or other work:
415.05 General.
Includes cases containing (1) a general discussion of self-employment, (2) points not covered by any other subline under line 415, or (3) points covered by three or more sublines.

415.1 Agriculture.
Consideration of the availability of a claimant engaged in farming or living on a farm.

415.15 Commercial enterprise.
Participation in a commercial enterprise as affecting claimant's availability.

415.2 Family enterprise.
Effect of family enterprise on availability.

415.25 Professional work.
Availability of claimant engaged in professional work.
415.3 Salesman.
Availability of salesman.

450. Time:
450.05 General.
Includes cases containing (1) a general discussion of restrictions concerning time as affecting availability, (2) points not covered by any other subline
under line 450, or (3) points covered by three or more sublines.

450.1 Days of week.
Where claimant will not work on certain days because of religious beliefs, domestic circumstances, or other reasons.

450.15 Hours:
450.151 General.
450.152 Specific.
Time restrictions of particular hours of the day which affect availability.
450.2 Specific time.
Cases where claimant is limited to certain times of day for work.

500. Wages.
Includes cases in which a claimant's insistence upon a wage, below which he will not work, affects his availability for work.

510. Work, nature of:
510.05 General.
Includes cases containing (1) a general discussion of the restrictions as to the nature of work with reference to claimant's availability, (2) points
not covered by any other subline under line 510, or (3) points covered by three or more sublines.

510.1 Customary.
Where a claimant's insistence upon, or inability or unwillingness to accept, work in his usual occupation raises a question as to his availability for work.

510.15 Essential.
Used during the war and emergency period in cases where claimant's willingness or ability to accept war work, or other work essential to reconversion, affected his availability for work. For cases published on this point see line 190 in bound Series.

510.25 Home work.
Where claimants. desire to accept only work which can be performed in their homes, or where their inability or unwillingness to obtain governmental
permit for the performance of such work, affects their availability for work.

510.3 Inside or outside.
Claimant's restriction to, or unwillingness to accept, inside or outside work.

510. Work, nature of - Continued
510.35 Light or heavy.
Where claimants, through preference or consideration of their physical well-being, restrict their acceptance of work to that requiring less physical exertion or to sedentary work.

510.4 Preferred employer or employment.
Effect upon availability of claimant's willingness to work only for a particular employer, or in a particular employment.

515. Working conditions:
515.05 General.
Includes cases containing (1) a general discussion of working conditions or place, as affecting availability, (2) points not covered by any other
subline under line 515, or (3) points covered by three or more sublines.

515.4 Fellow employee.
Where the claimant's availability is an issue because of his restrictions to, or objections to, working with particular individuals or supervisors.

515.5 Morals.
Where a claimant restricts the work, or the environment thereof, for reasons of morality.

515.55 Prevailing for similar work in locality.
Comparison of claimant's restrictions regarding working conditions with those existing for similar work in the locality. Includes cases in which consideration is given to the question of whether or not the .labor standards. provisions are applicable in such situations.

515.65 Safety.
Effort upon availability of a claimant's unwillingness to accept a particular job, or type of work, because of some alleged risk to life or physical safety.

515.75 Seniority.
Availability of claimants who restrict themselves to a particular employer, in order to protect and enjoy some advantage resulting from seniority with
that employer, and of claimants who reject employment in which they cannot obtain seniority benefits.

515.85 Temperature or ventilation.
claimant's objection to certain types of employment because of the temperature or ventilation involved.

515.95 Weather or climate.
Effect upon claimant's availability because of his objection to working under certain weather or climatic conditions, or when the weather prevents him from performing his type of work.