About VEC

Our Mission

Lifting up Virginia, one unemployed worker at a time.

Our Values

Conform to professional standards of conduct.

Make a worthwhile contribution to society.
Meet the needs of customers.

Have a clear sense of purpose. Evaluate results and activities compared to established goals, objectives, and performance measures.

Create an environment for meaningful work, where individual, team, and VEC contributions are recognized, valued, and rewarded.

Concern for the needs of communities, customers, employees, and other stakeholders.

Provide a safe and secure work environment.

VEC Central Office

6606 West Broad St. 
Richmond, VA 23230 
(8:15am to 4:30pm, Monday - Friday. Closed state holidays.)

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 26441 Richmond, VA

** NOTE ** 
The VEC Central Office houses the VEC Administrative Offices. This office DOES NOT handle walk-ins, to include Unemployment or Job Seeker Services

We offer translation services -
Person to Person: We will provide translation services to best serve you.

Online: This service is provided to The Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) by Google Translation as an auxiliary aid and convenience to those using the services offered on the VEC Home Page. You may experience delays in page viewing which are beyond the control of the VEC. The translation service and materials at this site are provided utilizing a software program and are provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, correctness, or reliability of any translations made from English into any other language, or translations from any foreign language into English. We apologize for any translation that is not correct.

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Agency Plans

Functional Activities

Unemployment Insurance (UI) - The unemployment insurance system, created by the Social Security Act of 1935, is administered by each state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands with oversight by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). Federal law provides the guidelines, but the 53 jurisdictions determine many requirements related to eligibility, benefit levels, and tax rates.

  • The system has three broad objectives:
    • Alleviate hardship for the unemployed
    • Prevent unemployment
    • Promote reemployment
  • Alleviating hardship, the system's principal aim, is accomplished by partially replacing the loss of wages for unemployed individuals who have a demonstrated attachment to the workforce.

    The Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) paid $625,754,116.00 in regular UI benefits to 344,284 individuals during calendar year 2011. Virginians received an average of 16.1 weeks of benefits, averaging $275.00 per week.

    Virginia requires that a claimant have earned $3,000.00 in the two highest quarters of the base period combined to be eligible for benefits. The base period is the first four of the last five preceding calendar quarters. The minimum weekly benefit payment in Virginia is $60.00; the maximum is $378.00. Recipients may be eligible for up to 26 weeks of benefits during their benefit year.

    The program also handles resolution of disputed UI claims and answers customer inquiries regarding benefit and tax matters

Commission Appeals (CA) The office of Commission Appeals serves as the agency's final administrative adjudicative authority in disputed benefit and tax liability cases and publishes precedent decisions.

Job Service (JS) The Employment Service (or Job Service), established by the Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933, make available job search assistance to individuals, and recruiting and referral services to employers.

  • Services available to workers include job referral and placement, referral to training, and job search skill building activities. VEC staff assists employers by screening and referring applicants for job vacancies, providing critical labor market information for business and economic planning, and coordinating Employer Advisory Committee activities across the state.
  • Employers placed over 148,128 job openings, and the VEC made 245,453 referrals during the program year ending June 30, 2008.
  • Other employment service programs administered by the VEC include Foreign Labor CertificationWork Opportunities Tax Credit (WOTC)Trade Act Assistance (TAA), and Veterans' Services.

Employer Services (ES)

  • The Virginia Employment Commission (VEC), a partner in the Virginia Workforce Network, is the public employment service established to assist employers in finding qualified workers and to assist workers in finding suitable jobs. There are no fees charged to the employer or applicant for our services. VEC staff will assist employers by screening and referring applicants to job openings, providing critical labor market information for business and economic planning, and coordinating statewide Employer Advisory Committee activities.
  • The VEC is the largest single source of job candidates in Virginia. We may have just the worker you are seeking, prepared to step into your job opening today.
  • Employers placed over 148,128 job openings, and the VEC made 245,453 referrals during the program year ending June 30, 2008.

The VEC has:

  • Nearly half-a-million job seekers registering with us annually
  • Computerized, skills-based matching to identify potential candidates - saves employer staff time and money
  • Maximum exposure - 30+ offices statewide and 24 hours a day on the Internet.

The VEC is an excellent source of information for making important business decisions:

  • Employment estimates and unemployment rates
  • State and local economic trends
  • Consumer price indices
  • Occupational and population projections
  • Census information
  • Affirmative action planning data
  • Prevailing wage information.

You can also click here on Labor Market Information for more detailed information in this area.

Economic Information Services (EIS) - Most of the nation's labor market information is produced by State Employment Security Agencies (SESA) in cooperation with the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and other federal agencies for a wide range of users including employers, job seekers, policy makers and analysts, economic developers, economists, and planners.

  • The data collected, analyzed and reported by the EIS division includes Current Employment Statistics (CES); Employment, Wages, and Contributions (ES-202); Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS); Occupational Employment Statistics and Wages (OES); and Mass Layoff Statistics (MLS). The State Data Center, which develops Virginia's population projections, and is a repository of census information, is another of the VEC's economic information programs.

    VEC economists prepare economic forecasts and reviews of recent trends for various VEC publications. Two new capabilities of the EIS division are economic impact analyses using the Impact Analysis for Planning (IMPLAN) model and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping.

    Staff provide economic and demographic information on request, through the VirginiaLMI.com.

Legislative Mandates

Legislative mandates relative to the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC)

Virginia Unemployment Compensation Act

§ 60.2-113. Employment stabilization.

The Commission shall take all necessary steps through its appropriate divisions and with the advice of such advisory boards and committees as it may have to:

1. Establish a viable labor exchange system to promote maximum employment for the Commonwealth of Virginia with priority given to those workers drawing unemployment benefits;

2. Provide Virginia State Job Service services, as described in this title, according to the provisions of the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49f), as amended by the Workforce Investment Act;

3. Maintain a solvent trust fund financed through equitable employer taxes that provide temporary partial income replacement to involuntarily unemployed covered workers;

4. Coordinate and conduct labor market information research studies, programs and operations, including the development, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information on the social and economic aspects of the Commonwealth and publish data needed by employers, economic development, education and training entities, government and other users in the public and private sectors;

5. Determine and publish a list of jobs, trades, and professions for which a high demand of qualified workers exists or is projected by the Commission. The Commission shall consult with the Virginia Workforce Council in making such determination. Such information shall be published biennially and disseminated to employers; education and training entities, including public two-year and four-year institutions of higher education; government agencies, including the Department of Education and public libraries; and other users in the public and private sectors;

6. Prepare official short and long-range population projections for the Commonwealth for use by the General Assembly and state agencies with programs which involve or necessitate population projections;

7. Encourage and assist in the adoption of practical methods of vocational guidance, training and retraining; and

8. Establish the Interagency Migrant Worker Policy Committee, comprised of representatives from appropriate state agencies, including the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission, whose services and jurisdictions involve migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their employees. All agencies of the Commonwealth shall be required to cooperate with the Committee upon request.

(Code 1950, § 60-34; 1968, c. 738, § 60.1-39; 1986, c. 480; 1989, c. 108; 1999, c. 357; 2004, cc. 14, 154, 592; 2008, cc. 98, 222; 2011, cc. 594, 681.)

Guidelines for Disclosure of Confidential Unemployment Information

The following guidelines provide general information from Title 20, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 5, Part 603: Federal-State Unemployment Compensation Program (UC); Confidentiality and Disclosure of State UC Information. (20 CFR Part 603), which can be viewed in its entirety on https://ecfr.io/Title-20/pt20.3.603.

The Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) is required to maintain the confidentiality of any UC information that reveals the name or any identifying particular about any individual or any past or present employer or employing unit, or which could foreseeably be combined with other publicly available information to reveal any such particulars (§ 20 CFR 603.4(b)).

Disclosure of confidential UC (UI) information is permissible:

  • about an individual to that individual or about an employer to that employer.
  • on the basis of documented informed consent in the following circumstances:
    • to an agent who acts for or in the place of an individual or employer by the authority of that individual or employer if the agent presents a written release from the individual or employer being represented.
    • to an attorney retained for purposes related to the State's UC law after presentation of a letter of representation of the individual or employer
    • to a third party who is not acting as an agent, but only if that entity provides VEC with a signed written release from the individual or employer to whom the information pertains that meets all of the following criteria:
      1. indicates all the parties who may receive the information disclosed;
      2. states the specific purpose or purposes for which the information is sought and a statement that information obtained under the release will only be used for that purpose or purposes;
        • the purpose specified in the release must be limited to—
          (A) providing a service or benefit to the individual signing the release that such individual expects to receive as a result of signing the release; or
          (B) carrying out administration or evaluation of a public program to which the release pertains.
      3. states that State government files will be accessed to obtain that information;
      4. specifically identifies the information that is to be disclosed.
  • to a public official (or an agent or contractor of a public official) for use in the performance of his or her official duties, as defined in §§ 20 CFR 603.2(d) & 20 CFR 603.5(e).

Unemployment Compensation (UC) information means any information that has been disclosed to the State UC agency for use in the UC program, including wage reports collected for determining UC monetary eligibility.

Wage information includes information in the records of a State UC agency about:

  • wages paid to an individual; social security number of such individual; and,
  • the name, address, State and Federal employer identification number of the employer who paid such wages to such individual.

Claim information includes information about:

  • whether an individual is receiving, has received, or has applied for unemployment benefits;
  • the amount of compensation the individual is receiving or is entitled to receive; and,
  • the individual's current (or most recent) home address & telephone number.

ALL requests for confidential UC information from public officials, agents (other than attorneys) and third parties should be directed to VEC's Information Control unit: InformationControl@vec.virginia.gov or 804-486-2362.

Agreement Requirement:
For disclosures of confidential UC information, the VEC must enter into a written, enforceable agreement with any agency or entity requesting disclosure(s) of such information (§ 20 CFR 603.10).

Methods of Disclosure:
Batch data match of wage/employment information for public officials transmitted through VEC's secure FTP site.

Electronic access to specific information for authorized users

Written requests submitted to:

Information Control, Suite 171
Virginia Employment Commission
Post Office Box 26441
Richmond, Virginia 23261-6441

Payment of Costs:
VEC's costs of making a disclosure of UC information must be paid by the recipient of the information or another source paying on behalf of the recipient, either in advance or by way of reimbursement (§ 20 CFR 603.8).

The current costs are:
Batch processing - $ 400 per matched file
Electronic access - $ 1,300 per year
Written requests - $ 8 per benefit and wage record or $ .50 per page

Questions can be directed to InformationControl@vec.virginia.gov or 804-486-2362

Guidelines For Full Participation by Limited English Proficient Customers

  1. Implementation
    • The Human Relations Manager is responsible for monitoring agency programs and activities to ensure meaningful access for LEP persons. The Human Relations Manager has designated the Equal Opportunity Specialist as the agency's Language Access Coordinator (LAC).
  2. Inventory of agency resources for Language Assistance Services ("LAS").
    1. The LAC shall maintain an inventory of LAS available to all agency personnel. The inventory shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
      1. Contract language services providers (LSP);
        • Qualification Standards - the following factors will be considered for LSPs included in the database:
          1. The interpretation skill level of the LSP and its agents;
          2. The length of time the LSP has been in business;
          3. Any previous experience the agency may have had with the LSP, and
          4. The LSP's experience in providing LEP services in similar contexts
      2. Policies
      3. Links to external LEP resources
      4. Translation capability of documents; and
      5. Translation capability for in-person customer contacts, including hearings.
    2. The LAS inventory shall be maintained so as to be responsive to LEP need for LAS on a regional basis. The LAC, under the direction of Human Relations Manager, will continually monitor need and update the inventory appropriately.
    3. The inventory shall be made available to agency personnel through electronic and other means, and shall include information on accessing the LAS.
    4. All LAS will be made available to LEP customers at the expense of the agency, where the circumstances indicate the provision of LEP services is appropriate or required.
    5. To ensure consistent standards, translation services will be provided by professional providers based on the factors listed in 2a. Bilingual staff may be utilized on a limited basis when LAS are not anticipated or available.
  3. Situational needs assessment
    1. The agency will, on a continuing basis, assess the need for language services on a regional basis and make LAS available as deemed appropriate. In making this assessment, the agency will examine:
      1. The prevalence of LEP customers by service region;
      2. The predominant languages spoken by LEP individuals in each service region;
      3. The frequency of service utilization by LEP customers; and
      4. The relative importance of key agency services to it customers.
    2. In making this assessment, the agency will consider the following, among other, data sources:
      1. United States census results;
      2. Data maintained by the agency;
      3. The agency's past experience in providing services to LEP customers;
      4. Data maintained by other agencies including the Virginia Department of Education and the Virginia Department of Health; and
      5. Information sources maintained by private and public local entities, including community-based organizations and local social services departments.
    3. Need will be identified based upon the type of contact:
      1. In-person
      2. Telephone
      3. Written documents
    4. The results of this assessment will be made available to all VEC employees who interface with customers.
  4. Local office/One-Stop Protocol
    1. Identification of need: Local office managers may take appropriate steps in evaluating, quantitatively and qualitatively, the needs of LEP customers in their service areas, including:
      1. Examination of the situational needs assessment information kept by the agency;
      2. Interviews with customers within their service area;
      3. Systematic observation of customer-staff interaction; and
      4. Hiring bilingual staff.
    2. Local office managers will maintain autonomy in creating a mix of language assistance resources appropriate to the demographics of their service area.
    3. All LAS will be available to local office staff through electronic or other means based on need.
    4. Local office managers will evaluate language resources available in their service area including community colleges, state and private universities, and community-based organizations. LO managers may, with the approval of the Commission, enter into agreements for the provision of such services with community resources. These community resources will be integrated with other agency language resources as appropriate.
    5. LAC will coordinate on a regular basis with LO managers to assure that localized resources are made available to other LO managers to the greatest extent practicable.
    6. LO managers may maintain a database tracking LEP contacts. Database formats will be provided by LAC. LOs shall make the data available to LAC as requested by LAC.
    7. LO managers will communicate to staff that the use of a family member or friend may only take place after informing an LEP customer of his/her right to free interpreter services.
  5. Central Office Staff
    1. Each central office supervisor will institute an LEP protocol appropriate to their department's function.
    2. Central office departmental protocols will be designed using the agency resources described in section 2 of these guidelines.
    3. Central office departmental protocols will be designed using the general guidelines set out in section 4 relating to LOs.
  6. Adjudication
    1. Fact-finding procedures by claims deputies will follow LO LEP protocol.
    2. First Level Appeals ("FLA"):
      1. Appeals Hearings: Interpreters will be made available to hearing participants upon request or where FLA staff identifies a need for an interpreter.
      2. The FLA unit will identify important FLA documents for translation as appropriate based upon the situational needs assessment, and make translated documents available to LEP customers as needed.
    3. Commission Appeals: Commission appeals staff will make appropriate LAS available to LEP customers as appropriate under the circumstances.
  7. Agency Documents
    1. The agency shall, on a continuing basis, identify important documents that are routinely provided to customers that should appear in languages other than English.
    2. LAC will coordinate with the LSP to have identified documents translated accordingly.
    3. Translated documents will be made available to all agency personnel based upon identified need.
  8. Complaint Resolution
    1. Any LEP individual has a right to file a complaint against the agency where he or she believes that the agency did not provide necessary LEP services as appropriate. These complaints include those available under Title VI of the Civil rights Act of 1964.
    2. All complaints, alleging a violation under Title VI will be referred to the Human Relations Manager.
    3. The Human Relations Manager will take appropriate steps to resolve all complaints in accordance with the agency's discrimination complaint procedures.
    4. The Human Relations Manager will maintain a database tracking all complaints and requests for language services and their resolution. The database will include the following items:
      1. Source of complaint or request including relevant contact information
      2. Nature of complaint request
      3. Date complaint/request received
      4. Date complaint/request resolved
      5. Manner of resolution

Human Relations Manager
Shirley Bray-Sledge
Phone: (804) 750-0015

Equal Opportunity Specialist:(804)718-5209

Policy Statement Regarding Interpreter Services

The ability of individuals to communicate with and understand employees of the Virginia Employment Commission's is central to the ability to participate in the Commission's programs. To ensure that every Virginian, regardless of his or her native language, has access to and may participate in agency programs, the Virginia Employment Commission is committed to providing appropriate interpreter services to individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP).

The provision of appropriate interpreter services is central to the integrity of adjudicative processes, ensuring that those with limited English proficiency can understand and participate in the proceedings. Customers' ability to access the Commission's services and programs requires that the individuals' language needs be met to ensure clear communication and customer satisfaction.

The Commission's policy for the provision of interpreter services and translated documents is intended to ensure meaningful access for LEP persons. The policy also promotes the autonomy of local offices to determine the mix of resources most appropriate for their clientele and the situation at hand. The agency's LEP Guidelines set forth procedures to ensure meaningful access, and provide an avenue for addressing and resolving disputes about the provision of interpreter services.

If you need translation/interpreter services, please contact the manager of the nearest VEC Office.